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Fairtrade's immersive experience to engage with people face to face

Fair trade is an organisation that works with farmers and workers so they can improve their living standards, invest in their communities and businesses, and protect our shared environment. 

Fairtrade is a movement for change that works directly with businesses, consumers and campaigners to make trade deliver for farmers and workers. 

Each year the organisation holds a Fairtrade Fortnight campaign to educate people about the importance of choosing fair trade products and supporting fair trade practices. 

Fairttrade do not have their own physical space to engage with stakeholders and consumers to share their message in real life. They therefore decided to take a Sook space to enable connections to happen in person. Sook’s flexible booking offering meant that Fairtrade were able to reach their audience old and new in a timely manner for the Fairtrade fortnight.  

Fairtrade used Sook’s high-footfall location in Shoreditch to put powerful messaging in the windows and highlight fragility and limited access that we might soon experience in purchasing some of our most used food products with the words “Everything must not go”. 

The organisation created an in person live experience titled “Endangered  Aisle” designed to promote the concept that making the small switch to Fairtrade supports producers in protecting the future of some of our most-loved food and the planet.

The event was an interactive experience which involved giving visitors the opportunity to write a pledge and tie it to the Fairtrade tree. 

In taking a space with Sook, Fairtrade were able to create buzz for the 2023 Fairtrade Fortnight and engage with their community old and new in person. Fairtrade’s event generated press and coverage and was well received across several social media platforms. 

If you are interested in booking a Sook space for yourself please get in touch with us today. 

Image credit: Mirabella Marmalade

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